
The Health & Wellness Library, previously known as Herrick Health Library, is operated by the Grossmont Healthcare District. It was created to meet the health information needs of local residents by providing comprehensive consumer health resources to those that live, work, attend school, or have a healthcare connection to East County.

Our information includes the latest medical information from authoritative and reliable sources, in both print and online formats. The collection features books, journals, newsletters, pamphlets, DVDs, models, charts, online computer databases, and a website with extensive links to all major health topics. If eligible, sign up for a library card here.

While access to library materials is reserved for people that live, work, attend school, or have a healthcare connection to East County, our spaces, computers, and some of our wellness programs are currently open and available to the public. We have 10 public computers (8 PCs and 2 iMacs), two study rooms, and one conference room available to reserve. Learn more about our available space here.
