Important COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Safety Updates

A Message to the Public

(last updated: July 13, 2020)

Friends, colleagues, and residents within the Grossmont Healthcare District,

Due to increased awareness and precautions surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus), the Grossmont Healthcare District (including the Herrick Community Health Care Library) is strongly advising residents and community groups to review the following information from the County of San Diego Health & Human Services Agency for up to date information about public closures, community resources, and active cases:

Although Sharp Grossmont Hospital and its administration continue to operate, our administrative offices are currently closed to the public and our administrative staff is working remotely to support the community during this time. A few items to note:

The Herrick Community Health Care Library is offering Curbside Pickup services as of June 30, 2020. Its physical library closed starting March 17, 2020, to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, in response to recent guidelines by local, state and federal health agencies. Although our physical library remains closed until further notice, patrons may learn about Curbside Pickup or reach out to Library staff by email and phone (619.825.5010) with any health information questions or referral needs.
• All monthly Board of Director meetings for the Grossmont Healthcare District will be held by teleconference, to continue to allow public participation.
• For public meetings and groups scheduled to use the GHD Conference Center, we are encouraging user groups to cancel their meetings, but may opt to cancel any such meetings on our own. This is based on California Department of Public Health recommendations regarding smaller groups: “Smaller gatherings held in venues that do not allow social distancing of six feet per person should be postponed or canceled. This includes gatherings in crowded auditoriums, rooms, or other venues.”
• Sharp Grossmont Hospital is closely monitoring the evolving situation and continues to provide medical services. For information on visitor restrictions and other important updates, please visit

Thank you for your continued stewardship in our community, and feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at or 619.825.5050.

Additional Resources

What You Can Do

Many people are wondering how they can support their neighbors, health care workers, and other essential service workers during this time. Check back below in the coming days for additional ways you can support the community during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Donate medical supplies to Sharp Grossmont Hospital

Donate medical supplies to Family Health Centers of San Diego

Donate blood at the San Diego Blood Bank (by appointment only)

Donate food to San Diego Food Bank or Feeding San Diego (virtual food drives available)

Support fellow San Diegans through the San Diego Foundation COVID-19 Community Response Fund

Donate to the United Way of San Diego County Worker Assistance Initiative

Volunteer your time and talents at an organization listing opportunities on Californians For All volunteer portal.

Grossmont Healthcare District COVID Relief Assistance Updates

East County Magazine Local COVID Resources Center for the public – sponsored by the Grossmont Healthcare District

Grossmont Healthcare District Board Approves Emergency COVID-19 Relief Funding for Area Clinics and Front-Line Hospital Caregivers
Organizations that believe they may be eligible per guidelines in the news release linked above should contact the District.

Additional COVID Relief Resources by Sector

Below are quick links to resources related to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for various community sectors.
For Healthcare Providers: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) COVID-19 Telehealth Program
For Nonprofits: National Council of Nonprofits CARES Act Analysis
For Local Businesses: San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Business Updates (additional information is also available on East County Chamber of Commerce website for employers, employees, and consumers)

For additional support resources organized by sector, visit the Community Sector Support page on (County of San Diego).

State and National Coronavirus Information

See links below for additional information about COVID-19 cases, public closures, and emergency response announcements.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Information
California State Public Health Department Public Information


See links below for additional information about COVID-19 testing guidelines and priority populations as of May 2020.
2-1-1 San Diego
County of San Diego Testing Sites and Guidelines (tests at all locations are free, but an appointment needs to be made by calling 2-1-1)
California State Public Health Department Updated Testing Guidelines as of May 1, 2020

Safe Reopening Plan for San Diego County Businesses

See link below to access the County of San Diego’s Safe Reopening Plan Checklist for businesses to review what measures are being taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as health orders are being gradually relaxed.
County of San Diego Safe Reopening Plan Template

Legislative Updates

For up-to-date legislative news and updates, review the Association of California Healthcare Districts COVID news page. Below are preliminary executive orders and other COVID-related legislative updates from the Governor’s Office.
Governor Gavin Newsom’s Directive on Mass Gatherings
Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order to Allow Timely Delivery of Vital Goods During COVID-19 Outbreak
Governor Newsom Signs Emergency Legislation Providing Up to $1 Billion in Funding to Fight COVID-19
