Fall Open House Slideshow
A visual timeline of the Grossmont Healthcare District’s 70 years of history and the 20th anniversary of the Herrick Community Health Care Library created for our Fall Open House event […]
Grossmont Healthcare District All-Grantee Convening, February 4, 2020
In 2020, Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) is partnering with Champions for Health to facilitate quarterly convenings of fellow healthcare district grantees. These are some highlights from the first meeting, featuring […]
Grossmont Healthcare District Community Grants Program, 3rd Annual Workshop and Q&A Forum
This annual forum is designed to allow for potential healthcare district grantees to learn of any updates to the grant application and review its components ahead of the yearly grant […]
Grossmont Healthcare Heroes Healthcare Heroes Full Virtual Event
Healthcare Heroes are local volunteers who improve health and quality of life in East San Diego County. Nominated by their peers, the Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) offers an annual recognition […]
Healthcare Heroes Volunteer Stories
Healthcare Heroes are local volunteers who improve health and quality of life in East San Diego County. Nominated by their peers, the Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) offers an annual recognition […]